The Club Welfare Officers, Cathy Harrison and Karen Tarvin (contact details below), have two key responsibilities. These are:
1. To be clear about the club's responsibilities when running activities for children and young people under 18.
2. To help club personnel understand what their ‘duty of care’ towards children and young people actually means and entails on a day-to-day basis. This involves working together with the club’s committee, coaches, players, and parents/carers to ensure that the club offers a safe and positive environment.
This involves:
Ensuring these responsibilities are well understood by everyone at the club
Working with the Youth League Welfare Officer
Working with the County FA Welfare Officer
Promoting the FA’s Respect Programme, making sure all involved follow it, and helping to develop best practice processes
Implementing policies regarding safeguarding, anti-bullying, and equality
Flagging concerns about the welfare of a child
Monitoring compliance with FA CRB checks using the FA Safeguarding Online System
Ensuring coaches keep Safeguarding and First Aid qualifications up to date
What to do if you have a concern...
If you have any concerns regarding the safety of a child please contact one of the Club Welfare Officers:
Cathy Harrison 07779 933156 cathyharrisonbwrfc@gmail.com
Karen Tarvin 07766 102446 karentarvinbwrfc@gmail.com
If at any time you are not able to contact a Club Welfare Officer or the matter is serious then you can either:
contact the Designated Welfare Officer at North Riding FA directly on 01642 717770 or Safeguarding@northridingfa.com. To visit the North Riding FA County Safeguarding website click here.
contact The FA Safeguarding Team on Safeguarding@TheFA.com. To visit the FA Safeguarding website click here.
contact the Police or Children’s Social Care
(At the time of writing this is: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in York on 01904 551900 or email mash@york.gov.uk. Outside office hours, at weekends and on public holidays contact the emergency duty team on 01609 780780 or email edt@northyorks.gov.uk).
call the NSPCC Helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc.org.uk. More information can be found on the NSPCC website.
call Childline for advice on 0800 1111. More information can be found on the Childline website.
visit the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) website.
Bishopthorpe White Rose Safeguarding Policy
Bishopthorpe White Rose FC is committed to following the FA's Codes of Conduct and Respect Programme (see the FA Respect website). These along with our Club's Safeguarding Children Policy, can be found below:
Bishopthorpe White Rose Safeguarding Policy
Code of Conduct - youth players
Code of Conduct - spectators and parents/carers
Other club policies can be found on our downloads and forms page